Ang-2 plays an important role in retinal disorders, including AMD, DME, and RVO.
Retinal vascular disease is about much more than VEGF, and targeting VEGF doesn’t cure these diseases. The interplay of the Ang-2/Tie2 signaling pathway with VEGF and other cellular components plays an important role in multiple retinal disorders. Ang-2 is the facilitator of multiple cellular activities which mediate vascular leakage, pericyte detachment, inflammation, and neovascularization.
The Angiogenesis Foundation’s Center of Excellence for Retinal Disorders has created an multimedia toolkit to provide clinicians with information about Ang-2 and its role in vascular instability, as this molecule plays a critical role in ocular health and disease.
The Angiopoietins:
Key Regulators of Vascular Stability poster was developed by
The Angiogenesis Foundation to provide clinicians with a comprehensive understanding of the pathobiology and therapeutic targets in development for retinal disorders.